I have spent more time in Ithaca, New York than anywhere else.
Even though I will always identify as a Mainer–having lived my first 18 years there–I have adopted this central New York/Finger Lakes/Southern Tier location as my home. And I take a lot of pictures here, too. I’ve put some on Unsplash.

See what I mean? It’s hard to know where to start. Has this town changed a lot since I first arrived? Absolutely. But every time I think of something here that I really miss, I can think of something else that has taken its place (RIP Manos Diner, helloooooo Old Mexico!). Some things haven’t changed in decades, and that’s worth celebrating too. The state parks have been improved, if anything. The same can be said for Stewart Park, which has the best playground in the county, hands down. But we could definitely use a bowling alley (sorry Atlas, you’re too popular).
I’ve been a graphic designer in this (small) city since relocating here permanently in 2006. There was one point in time when the websites for Ithaca Festival, Ithaca Events, Fly Ithaca, and TCAT were all designed by me (not necessarily a good thing)! I’ve seen my fonts in use locally by people who have no idea that I made them in this town (looking at you, Knewave). For a brief period you could even buy one of my albums–a CD–from a local record store. I say this not to brag, but to emphasize how this place has cultivated creativity for me.

It’s crazy that I’ve made it this far without mentioning Ithaca Festival. The best part of the fest is actually the parade, which usually kicks off on the first Thursday of June. I have posted pics from the parade before, including on this very site. Most recently, my wife and I put together a gallery of 70 gifs from the latest parade.

It’s easy to walk through this place and say “if this isn’t nice, I don’t know what is.” I declare that from an experience of privilege, but it’s a sentiment of gratitude for Ithaca as well. This page is a living document to remind myself of the many reasons I can happily call it home.