The past 12 months have been interesting, to put it mildly. While I haven’t written as much I usually do (or would like) I’m here on the last day of the year, with a cup of tea, and American football on TV (what?!) while one of my three kids naps. I’m done with paragraphs until 2024, though, so here we go.
- Finally got Covid after dodging it for a three whole years
- Epic family trip to Maine and Pennsylvania, made possible by trading in our EV for a minivan
- Sold our country house, bought a city house, moved a total of 7 miles
- Visited a natural burial cemetery that I’d be okay decomposing in
- Read Annihilation for the 3rd time
- Emergency trip to the vet after our dog was bit by…something mysterious (bonus rabies shots)
- Complete another 52 songs in 52 weeks, never missed a deadline
- Wrote a few thousand words in the book that I’ll probably never finish
- Deleted my twitter account (pre x transition) after 14 years of use
- Created a ridiculous, but fun, font bundle site that flopped incredibly hard
- Easily ate over 100 donuts
- Bought a DVD for the first time in 10+ years
- Framed some basement walls and finished a room
- Taught a graphic design class to some understandably disinterested college students
- Re-downloaded Pokemon Go to play with my teenager
- Went a whole month without running (can’t remember the last time that happened)
- Started a new job somewhere…that you’ve probably heard of! More on that later
It was a wild year, and I’m grateful and happy for all of it.