- Allison Usavage
My better half, amazing human - Luke Jones
Internet friend, IRL friend, mate - Reagan Ray
Legendary blog posts here - Elliot Jay Stocks
A constant source of inspiration - Chris Glass
Absolute gem of a personal website - Eric Lobdell
All around good guy on the West Coast - SimpleBits
Dan’s wonderful home on the web - Owltastic
Always a joy to browse - Rach Smith
Tidy digital garden - Piper Haywood
No-nonsense personal site, I love it - Subtraction
I’ve been coming to Khoi’s site for over a decade - Andrew Couldwell
Stunning work all around - Simon Walker
Superb type guy - Jacqui Oakley
Actual artist, love her work - Fran Velasco
Lovely words and site - Chris Shifflet
A perfect personal site
- Gavin Castleton
Hero, soundtrack to my life - Evenings
Yore is perfection - Echo Wolf
Retro synths ftw - Gia Margaret
Mia Gargaret got me thru 2020 - Rubblebucket
Always fun, they put on a great show - Désormais
I have this on mp3. Perfection - K.Flay
She used one of my fonts once. GREAT live show - Towkio
Different, wonderful - Big Mean Sound Machine
On hiatus, but still, so good, so Ithaca - Other Form
Atmospheric techno? yes yes - Grüvis Malt
Old favorite, RIP - Rustic Overtones
I am from Maine, after all - Wallpaper.
F**cking Best song everrr - Belll
Brendan (of Gruvis Malt) - Radiohead Public Library
absolutely amazing
- Passport Photos
Great series - People And Blogs
Absolute joy to read -
Listen to forests around the world - Emergence Magazine
More of this, all the time please - Daily Bread
Wonderful project - Dense Discovery
Current fave newsletter -
Mastodon for type nerds - Modern Illustration
An archive / history lesson - Drawing Invisibles
Bookmark it, so interesting - The Æsop for Children
From the Library of Congress - Space Type
Mindblowing web type in motion - The Last Punchcutter
Fascinating craft, slightly ASMR - Use Fewer Trees
Harper Collins tweaks design, saves paper! - Sleep Baseball
Smart. Wouldn’t be surprised if AI made most of this happen. - No Medium
Go big or small, I like this. - Last Hours of an Organ Donor
Fascinating -
Quirky interactive maker thing - Atlas of Intangibles
What an experience
- 100 Data Viz Project
Bookmark it, love it - Penpot
Amazing open source alternative to Figma - Freesound
I try to contribute here, wonderful audio library - SVGomg
Absolutely essential vector cleanup - The League of Moveable Type
Where it all started, for me - Seamless Patterns
Nice utility - Font Gaunlet
Essential web-based font utility - CompressMP4
How I get tiny video files - Blender
What I use to make 3d work - VF on GF
Variable fonts on Google Fonts - Three Color Gradient
CSS bookmark - Noisli
Get that coffee shop / fan / pink noise going - Color and Contrast
Live and learn
I’m constantly inspired by personal websites, technology, even places I’ll probably never get to visit. This living page is a growing collection of internet gems that I want to keep in one place. It’s as much for me as it is for you.