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Design Crawl Ithaca


It has never been a better time to be a graphic designer in Ithaca. I write this as someone who has made a living here doing just that since 2006. We have an abundance of talent in this town and through our new inclusion with AIGA Upstate New York we also have some programming to go with it.

Over the past year we’ve joined the rest of the chapter’s cities each month for the alternating Coffee With Creatives (morning meetups) and Cocktails With Creatives (happy hour meetup). I was eager for Ithaca to be part of the next Design Crawl, so when talk on the Upstate NY Slack turned to an October event, I was happy to contact three amazing local studios to make it happen.

But why only three? Well, Funkhaus, Iron Design, and AWP are all within a few blocks of one another, I know at least one person at each shop, and by not stopping at every design studio in town we’ll be able to crawl at completely different venues next time (and there will be a next time).

Our program was a little different since each stop generously offered food and/or beverages. So after our initial happy hour at Argos we skipped the “bar” portion for the rest of the night, allowing us to spend lots of time at each studio. I’ll let the pictures do the rest of the “talking” and leave it with a big thank you to Funkhaus, Iron Design, and AWP.

I love being a graphic designer in Ithaca. I started here very early in my career (back in 2006!) and it’s great to see a handful of small studios creating amazing work!